What does it mean to find peace in the workplace? Almost thirty (30) years ago Sauter, Lim, and Murphy (1996) defined a healthy workplace as any organization that “maximizes the integration of worker goals for well-being with company objectives for profitability and productivity” (p. 250). That really was quite progressive in its time. The pressure is on in our current climate and as new generations enter the work force to find a balance that works for both sides. A workplace that offers support in challenging conversations or dissention between co-workers but still encourages healthy debate just may be the key to attaining a healthy, peaceful working environment.
Read MoreEven though yoga has been considered a practice based on “self-awareness, self-love, and freedom from materialistic things”, I often ponder what does that really mean. In my quest to truly incorporate these aspects into my practice, I needed to reflect and consider each aspect.
Read MoreWho is responsible for the overall wellbeing of employees? This has been a question debated for many years. Historically, we just expected our employees to arrive at work and leave their “problems” at home. I refuse to believe that workplaces remain that archaic in their practices though I do think that the progress has been admittedly slow. I feel that the pandemic has once again raised the issue, our awareness and our intention to revisit the mental health and wellness of our employees. But, that hasn’t answered the question about where the responsibility should land!
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