5:30 PM17:30

Transitioning to Life After Covid 19

Come join us to Explore, Discover, Reflect and Connect to Life after Covid-19. This webinar will consider the worries that many still hold as we once again move through the re-opening stages towards fully opening our world to us again. Discover strategies that helps us move toward the "new normal". Finally, find a way to connect with people, colleagues, family and friends in a mentally healthy manner!

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Let’s Transition Together!

Explore, Discover and Connect to new strategies and insights around transitioning into a world with less restrictions.

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12:00 PM12:00

Self Kindness

Mental Health and Safety has emerged as a major issue for Canadian organizations. Covid-19 has highlighted the importance of rethinking how we do business. There is no doubt that organizations which help their employees stay mentally healthy are more Efficient, Effective and Enduring. Mental Health and Safety is a legal duty in Canada, similar to ensuring physically safe workplaces. As certified Psychological Health and Safety Consultants, we are there to empower you and your organization to begin your journey to discover your Mental Health goals in the workplace. 

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Explore, Discover and Connect to a new level of kindness!

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12:00 PM12:00

Introduction to the 8 Wellness Domains

Our 8 Wellness Domains workshop on May 31/21 offers each participant the opportunity to Explore, Discover and Connect to the primary aspects that impact our overall Wellness and help us Uncover the wellness Assets within our communities. We are offering a two part series of workshops that provide information and exploration of the aspects that impact our mental health and the assets that we have in our communities that help. Each person can expect to leave this experience with a wealth of transformative information to begin a journey filled with hope, peace and joy. The workshop will serve as a catalyst to the discovery of our own unique strengths that allow us to become our authentic self and connect with a life that we desire.

To join: register here or email: fcscommunityprogrammer@gmail.com

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12:00 PM12:00

Introduction to the 8 Wellness Domains Part Two

Expand your Understanding of the 8 Wellness Domains in this second interactive Workshop Instalment, May 10/21. Each participant will have the opportunity to Explore, Discover and Connect to the primary aspects that impact their Intellectual, Occupational, Financial and Environmental Wellness and discover the wellness Assets within our communities. Each person can expect to leave this experience with a wealth of transformative information to begin a journey filled with hope, peace and joy. The workshop will serve as a catalyst to the discovery of our own unique strengths that allow us to become our authentic self and connect with a life that we desire.

Let us support you to:

  1. Explore new perspectives and information to reinvigorate your Intellectual, Occupational, Financial and Environmental wellbeing.

  2. Discover hidden potential while identifying limiting beliefs that sabotage growth.

  3. Gain tools to find success and live your life to the fullest.

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Join Us

Connect with a Life that you deserve!

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Introduction to the 8 Wellness Domains
12:00 PM12:00

Introduction to the 8 Wellness Domains

Our 8 Wellness Domains workshop on May 3/21 offers each participant the opportunity to Explore, Discover and Connect to the primary aspects that impact our overall Wellness and help us Uncover the wellness Assets within our communities. We are offering a two part series of workshops that provide information and exploration of the aspects that impact our mental health and the assets that we have in our communities that help. Each person can expect to leave this experience with a wealth of transformative information to begin a journey filled with hope, peace and joy. The workshop will serve as a catalyst to the discovery of our own unique strengths that allow us to become our authentic self and connect with a life that we desire.

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Explore, Discover and Connect to Intellectual, Occupational and Financial Wellness
5:30 PM17:30

Explore, Discover and Connect to Intellectual, Occupational and Financial Wellness

Expand your Understanding of the 8 Wellness Domains in this fourth interactive Workshop Instalment, Apr. 26/21. Each participant will have the opportunity to Explore, Discover and Connect to the primary aspects that impact their Intellectual, Occupational and Financial Wellness and help us Map the wellness Assets within our communities. We are working with the Rural Mental Health Project to provide a series of workshops that provide information and exploration of the aspects that impact our mental health and the assets that we have in our communities that help. Each person can expect to leave this experience with a wealth of transformative information to begin a journey filled with hope, peace and joy. The workshop will serve as a catalyst to the discovery of our own unique strengths that allow us to become our authentic self and connect with a life that we desire.

Let us support you to:

  1. Explore new perspectives and information to reinvigorate your Intellectual, Occupational and Financial wellbeing.

  2. Discover hidden potential while identifying limiting beliefs that sabotage growth.

  3. Gain tools to find success and live your life to the fullest.


Sponsored by: Rural Mental Health Project

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Explore, Discover and Connect to the 8 Wellness Domains

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Explore, Discover and Connect to Environmental and Physical Wellness
5:30 PM17:30

Explore, Discover and Connect to Environmental and Physical Wellness

Expand your Understanding of the 8 Wellness Domains in this third interactive Workshop Instalment, Mar. 29/21. Each participant will have the opportunity to Explore, Discover and Connect to the primary aspects that impact on our Environmental and Physical Wellness and help us Map the wellness Assets within our communities. We are working with the Rural Mental Health Project to provide a series of workshops that provide information and exploration of the aspects that impact our mental health and the assets that we have in our communities that help. Each person can expect to leave this experience with a wealth of transformative information to begin a journey filled with hope, peace and joy. The workshop will serve as a catalyst to the discovery of our own unique strengths that allow us to become our authentic self and connect with a life that we desire.

Let us support you to:

  1. Explore new perspectives and information to reinvigorate your Environmental and Physical wellbeing.

  2. Discover hidden potential while identifying limiting beliefs that sabotage growth.

  3. Gain tools to find success and live your life to the fullest.

Sponsored by: Rural Mental Health Project

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Join Us

Explore, Discover and Connect to the 8 Wellness Domains

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Explore, Discover and Connect to Social, Emotional and Spiritual Wellness
5:30 PM17:30

Explore, Discover and Connect to Social, Emotional and Spiritual Wellness

Expand your Understanding of the 8 Wellness Domains in this next interactive Workshop Instalment, Feb. 22/21. Each participant will have the opportunity to Explore, Discover and Connect to the primary aspects that impact on our Social, Emotional and Spiritual Wellness and help us Map the wellness Assets within our communities. We are working with the Rural Mental Health Project to provide a series of workshops that provide information and exploration of the aspects that impact our mental health and the assets that we have in our communities that help.Each person can expect to leave this experience with a wealth of transformative information to begin a journey filled with hope, peace and joy. The workshop will serve as a catalyst to the discovery of our own unique strengths that allow us to become our authentic self and connect with a life that we desire.

Let us support you to:

  1. Explore new perspectives and information to reinvigorate your Social, Emotional and Spiritual wellbeing.

  2. Discover hidden potential while identifying limiting beliefs that sabotage growth.

  3. Gain tools to find success and live your life to the fullest.

Sponsored by: Rural Mental Health Project

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Join Us

Explore, Discover and Connect the 8 Wellness Domains

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Introduction to the 8 Wellness Domains
5:30 PM17:30

Introduction to the 8 Wellness Domains

Our 8 Wellness Domains workshop on Feb. 1/21 offers each participant the opportunity to Explore, Discover and Connect to the primary aspects that impact our overall Wellness and help us Map the wellness Assets within our communities. We are working with the Rural Mental Health Project to provide a series of workshops that provide information and exploration of the aspects that impact our mental health and the assets that we have in our communities that help. Each person can expect to leave this experience with a wealth of transformative information to begin a journey filled with hope, peace and joy. The workshop will serve as a catalyst to the discovery of our own unique strengths that allow us to become our authentic self and connect with a life that we desire.

Let us support you to:

  1. Explore new perspectives and information to reinvigorate your wellbeing.

  2. Discover hidden potential while identifying limiting beliefs that sabotage growth.

  3. Gain tools to find success and live your life to the fullest.


Join Us

Explore, Discover and Connect to Wellness

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Explore the Art of Journaling
to Feb 10

Explore the Art of Journaling

  • Google Calendar ICS

Further your Journey by Exploring the Art of Journaling. Join us for 21 days and Receive Daily emails filled with Information that will Challenge your Thoughts and help Discover next Steps towards your Holistic Wellness! Make sure that you enter the Free Grand Prize Draw to Win a Journal and Individual Navigation Session.

How Do I Join?

  1. Like/Follow the Sage Wellness Connection Page on Facebook and/or Instagram

  2. Share the Post to Your Story

  3. Send or Message Us your email address to receive your Daily Journal Inspirations.

  4. Invite two (2) friends

  5. Get ready to explore


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Start a New Journey Today!

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